Millie's Family

Amelia Gail 2.14.05

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sing Me A Song

Millie has been doing a lot of singing lately, so I thought I should get it on video before the phase was gone. She has mastered lots of gestures to songs too, but is still shy to sing with a big bunch of people (in her class at school.) Millie really likes to sing "FAST." The first song starts out sooo fast but half way through she starts to sing it slowly and you can understand it better. In both videos you can hear her say, "I want to sing it faster" at the beginning. The first video is Jesus loves me. The second is Thumbody special.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Back to School

Millie went back to school last Wednesday. We almost forgot to take a first day of school picture but remembered right before we got in the car. Millie was too excited to go to school and didn't really want to have her picture taken. So these are the best shots I could get. She has the same teacher again this year. She was very excited the night before when we went to the open house to see Mrs. Reiss. There are six girls and three boys starting the year in class 1AM. The first time in 20 years her teacher has had way more girls in class than boys. Millie went to art and gym last week and even wore big girl underpants to school and came home dry.

More Summer Fun

We went to Maumee State Park at the beginning of August. We spent a lot of the time in the pool. We did rent some bicycles and had a really nice ride one afternoon. They also had a great nature trail in the woods and Nature Center to see some small animals. On our way home we stopped at the Medina County Fair. Millie had a wonderful time looking at all of the animals and sitting on tractors. She even liked the noisy roosters, turkeys and chickens. We enjoyed eating Italian sausage sandwiches and deep fried oreos.

Maumee State Park -
Bike riding, the beach at the lake and a picture in our room.

Catching Up

Millie has had lots of fun this summer swimming and going to lots of playgrounds. She has been taking swim lessons and is picking it up quickly. She has turned into a major climber. Last year all she wanted to do was swing. This summer it has been all about climbing and sliding. Below is a picture of Millie swimming at Uncle Ken and Aunt Tonya's pool in July and one of the many pictures of Millie at the playground. We have found a bunch of new and better playgrounds this summer. Last summer we moved to our new house in the middle of July and didn't find many good parks. We have many to choose from now. We love our town and all the outdoor offerings here. Another picture is Millie in her old toddler bed last month. Millie loves to take all of her stuffed animals in her bed and play before going to sleep and sometimes she falls asleep on top of them ALL. Finally, we made the move to a big girl bed. She transitioned perfectly without any problems. Her newest trick is knocking on her door in the morning when she wakes up until I come and let her out.