Millie's Family

Amelia Gail 2.14.05

Saturday, July 26, 2008

4th of July

Here are pictures from the parade we went to on the 4th of July. Our town does a nice job with their parade. It was the 50th anniversary parade this year so they went all out with the fire trucks. Millie saw her teacher Mrs. Reiss walking and enjoyed holding her flags and waving them. Papa wore a silly hat and that entertained Mama. Our friend from church Barbara Hobbs saw us and invited us to sit with her. It was a beautiful day. The temperature was perfect. Following the parade we went to a cookout at our friends Tracy and Ashley's house and then we went to Uncle David's house for an EXCELLENT display of fireworks. It was a really fun day.

Dreamnight at the Akron Zoo

This was our best Zoo experience yet. We were invited to the Akron Zoo for free after hours. It was sponsored by Akron Children's Hospital for special needs kids. It was Millie's third stop on her Zoo tour this summer. Stop # 1 Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Stop #2 Philadelphia Zoo. We got to see a number of animals up close like an owl and a dragon. Millie rode on the train with Papa and we had her teddy bear go to the "Vet Clinic" where they check out your stuffed animal to make sure he is healthy. But Millie's favorite part was feeding the farm animals. A video and pictures follow.

Spreading her wings with Papa.

Getting ready to feed the animals.

Looking at the owl.

Mama and Millie.

A macaw bird. One of her favorites. This one was very noisy.

Getting her bear checked out at the "Vet Clinic." It was so cute!

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School was the last week in June. I got to help in Millie's room this year. They had a bible lesson each day along with snack, craft, recreation and singing! Millie loved the songs. The theme this year was Beach Party. Here are just a few pictures from the week.

Philadelphia Zoo

This was our second stop in our zoo tour this summer. The first stop was the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. This zoo was great. We saw a lot of stuff they didn't have in Cleveland. Peacocks, spider monkeys eating tomatoes, Bald Eagles were just a few. And of course the usual elephants, lions, tigers and bears, giraffes etc. Millie and her cousin Josie took a ride on a work horse. It was gigantic. You could get really close to the animals. That was the best part. They were not so far away in the distance. Of course Millie loved it... there were animals. Need I say more?

A cute picture wearing cousin Josie's sunglasses.
Getting ready to see some animals.

A beautiful peacock. Millie thought this was neat.

Riding the work horse with Josie.

Sitting on the bench together.

This tiger was cool. He kept playing with the tire in the water.

Sesame Place

We made our yearly visit to Sesame Place in June. Millie keeps talking about the carousel, the balloon ride and the cup ride. She especially loved the Abby Cadabby show with all of the characters. Last year she fell asleep right before the parade and missed the entire thing. This year she watched every second and LOVED it. Music, dancing monsters, she was in heaven. We didn't spend too much time in the water this year because it was a bit chilly. But that meant we got to do some stuff we never tried before. We will definitely be going back again next year. She had a wonderful time. We were there over 6 weeks ago and she still talks about it.

Millie wanted to stand next to the Twiddlebugs.

Taking a photo just after we walked into
the park with cousins Jimmy and Josie.
Millie loved looking at Elmo and the other monsters
made of flowers and bushes.

The monsters at the Abby Cadabby show.

There's Dorothy! We watched the Elmo's World Show too!

Riding the Carousel.

Getting ready for the parade.

Here they come!

The Living History Farm

These photos are from our morning at the Living History Farm. We went here back in June when we went to visit my parents for a week. It was fun but way too hot.

Saying "Cheese" in front of the tree.

Following everyone down the dirt path to the barns.

Trying to grab some corn she was not supposed to touch.

We tried to get a picture with her cousins.

Looking at the sheep. It was nice and cool under the trees.